Remove unused file

This commit is contained in:
yanorei32 2023-10-11 01:12:41 +09:00
parent 49b27a674e
commit d88a5aeb14

View File

@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
//! Interrupt driven CAN transmitter with RTIC.
//! CAN frames are allocated from a static memory pool and stored in a priority
//! queue (min heap) for transmisison. To start transmission the CAN TX
//! interrupt has to be triggered manually once. With each successful
//! transmission the interrupt is reentered and more data is fetched from the
//! queue.
//! Received frames are simply echoed back. In contrast to the naive `can-echo`
//! example all messages are also correctly prioritized by the transmit queue.
use panic_halt as _;
use bxcan::Frame;
use core::cmp::Ordering;
use heapless::binary_heap::{BinaryHeap, Max};
use stm32f1xx_hal::pac::Interrupt;
pub struct PriorityFrame(Frame);
/// Ordering is based on the Identifier and frame type (data vs. remote) and can be used to sort
/// frames by priority.
impl Ord for PriorityFrame {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl PartialOrd for PriorityFrame {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl PartialEq for PriorityFrame {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.cmp(other) == Ordering::Equal
impl Eq for PriorityFrame {}
fn enqueue_frame(queue: &mut BinaryHeap<PriorityFrame, Max, 16>, frame: Frame) {
#[rtic::app(device = stm32f1xx_hal::pac)]
mod app {
use super::{enqueue_frame, PriorityFrame};
use bxcan::{filter::Mask32, ExtendedId, Fifo, Frame, Interrupts, Rx0, StandardId, Tx};
use heapless::binary_heap::{BinaryHeap, Max};
use stm32f1xx_hal::{can::Can, pac::CAN1, prelude::*};
struct Local {
can_tx: Tx<Can<CAN1>>,
can_rx: Rx0<Can<CAN1>>,
struct Shared {
can_tx_queue: BinaryHeap<PriorityFrame, Max, 16>,
tx_count: usize,
fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local, init::Monotonics) {
let mut flash = cx.device.FLASH.constrain();
let rcc = cx.device.RCC.constrain();
let _clocks = rcc
.freeze(&mut flash.acr);
#[cfg(not(feature = "connectivity"))]
let can = Can::new(cx.device.CAN1, cx.device.USB);
#[cfg(feature = "connectivity")]
let can = Can::new(cx.device.CAN1);
// Select pins for CAN1.
let mut gpioa = cx.device.GPIOA.split();
let can_rx_pin = gpioa.pa11.into_floating_input(&mut gpioa.crh);
let can_tx_pin = gpioa.pa12.into_alternate_push_pull(&mut gpioa.crh);
let mut afio = cx.device.AFIO.constrain();
can.assign_pins((can_tx_pin, can_rx_pin), &mut afio.mapr);
// APB1 (PCLK1): 16MHz, Bit rate: 1000kBit/s, Sample Point 87.5%
// Value was calculated with
let mut can = bxcan::Can::builder(can)
.enable_bank(0, Fifo::Fifo0, Mask32::accept_all());
// Sync to the bus and start normal operation.
let (can_tx, can_rx, _) = can.split();
let can_tx_queue = BinaryHeap::new();
Shared {
tx_count: 0,
Local { can_tx, can_rx },
#[idle(shared = [can_tx_queue, tx_count])]
fn idle(mut cx: idle::Context) -> ! {
let mut tx_queue = cx.shared.can_tx_queue;
// Enqueue some messages. Higher ID means lower priority.
tx_queue.lock(|mut tx_queue| {
&mut tx_queue,
Frame::new_data(StandardId::new(9).unwrap(), []),
&mut tx_queue,
Frame::new_data(ExtendedId::new(9).unwrap(), []),
&mut tx_queue,
Frame::new_data(StandardId::new(8).unwrap(), []),
&mut tx_queue,
Frame::new_data(ExtendedId::new(8).unwrap(), []),
&mut tx_queue,
Frame::new_data(StandardId::new(0x7FF).unwrap(), []),
&mut tx_queue,
Frame::new_data(ExtendedId::new(0x1FFF_FFFF).unwrap(), []),
// Add some higher priority messages when 3 messages have been sent.
loop {
let tx_count = cx.shared.tx_count.lock(|tx_count| *tx_count);
if tx_count >= 3 {
tx_queue.lock(|mut tx_queue| {
&mut tx_queue,
Frame::new_data(StandardId::new(3).unwrap(), []),
&mut tx_queue,
Frame::new_data(StandardId::new(2).unwrap(), []),
&mut tx_queue,
Frame::new_data(StandardId::new(1).unwrap(), []),
// Expected bus traffic:
// 1. ID: 0x00000008 <- proper reordering happens
// 2. ID: 0x00000009
// 3. ID: 0x008
// 4. ID: 0x001 <- higher priority messages injected correctly
// 5. ID: 0x002
// 6. ID: 0x003
// 7. ID: 0x009
// 8. ID: 0x7FF
// 9. ID: 0x1FFFFFFF
// The output can look different if there are other nodes on bus the sending messages.
loop {
// This ISR is triggered by each finished frame transmission.
#[task(binds = USB_HP_CAN_TX, local = [can_tx], shared = [can_tx_queue, tx_count])]
fn can_tx(cx: can_tx::Context) {
let tx = cx.local.can_tx;
let mut tx_queue = cx.shared.can_tx_queue;
let mut tx_count = cx.shared.tx_count;
// There is now a free mailbox. Try to transmit pending frames until either
// the queue is empty or transmission would block the execution of this ISR.
(&mut tx_queue, &mut tx_count).lock(|tx_queue, tx_count| {
while let Some(frame) = tx_queue.peek() {
match tx.transmit(&frame.0) {
Ok(status) => match status.dequeued_frame() {
None => {
// Frame was successfully placed into a transmit buffer.
*tx_count += 1;
Some(pending_frame) => {
// A lower priority frame was replaced with our high priority frame.
// Put the low priority frame back in the transmit queue.
enqueue_frame(tx_queue, pending_frame.clone());
Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock) => break,
Err(_) => unreachable!(),
#[task(binds = USB_LP_CAN_RX0, local = [can_rx], shared = [can_tx_queue])]
fn can_rx0(mut cx: can_rx0::Context) {
// Echo back received packages with correct priority ordering.
loop {
match cx.local.can_rx.receive() {
Ok(frame) => {
cx.shared.can_tx_queue.lock(|can_tx_queue| {
enqueue_frame(can_tx_queue, frame);
Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock) => break,
Err(nb::Error::Other(_)) => {} // Ignore overrun errors.